Hope’s Corner Response to the Corona Virus - Update as of 3/11/2020

Hope’s Corner’s top priority is the health and well-being of our guests, volunteers, and community. As more information has become available, Hope’s Corner has decided to take measures to limit the potential for exposure and transmission of the corona virus (COVID-19). 

Beginning Thursday, March 12, we will suspend the Thursday and Saturday shower and laundry program until further notice

Beginning Saturday, March 14, we will continue to provide breakfast and a bag lunch, but will provide all food in “to go” containers for our guests to take with them. There will be no on-site dining.  These changes will remain in effect until further notice.

Other measures Hope’s Corner is taking include: 

Increased hygiene. We have increased cleaning and sanitizing of our public and working spaces and have increased the availability of hand sanitizers. We have adjusted our procedures to have volunteers serving items like coffee that were previously self-service. 

Health information in multiple languages. Public health information on COVID-19 is available in English, Spanish and Chinese.

Volunteers are reminded to take health precautions. Volunteers are being reminded to stay home if they are sick, wash their hands often, change their gloves as often as necessary, refrain from touching the face or having physical contact with others. We will require fewer volunteers and will notify volunteers who have signed up if we do not need them.

Ensuring that Hope’s Corner is a healthy, safe and welcoming place is our top priority. We will continue to monitor the situation and take sensible precautions so that we can continue to provide essential services to those who need them.

Leslie Carmichael
President, Hope’s Corner


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